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Historical Sketch


11/2023 - Present Matthew Kirkpatrick

11/1995 - 04/2023 Dr. James Miller

11/1989 - 07/1995 Vernon Stimpert

12/1985 - 07/1989J James Leitzman Jr.

10/1984 - 11/1985 James Kittle

10/1974 - 09/1984J James Honaker

05/1969 - 10/1974 Daniel Figge

09/1967 - 04/1969 Thomas Stayner

07/1966 - 07/1967 Dr. Wesley Frederick

00/1959 - 00/1966 Howard Doerle

06/1951 - 00/1959 Curtis Powell

07/1948 - 05/1951 Dale Sidle

12/1947 - 07/1948 Artie Coolidge

10/1947 - 12/1947 Lloyd Grimm

05/1945 - 10/1947 Lowell Nighizer


December 2023

Pastor Matthew took over as Lead Pastor at Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene in December of 2023.

Matthew has previously served in a variety of church roles including Associate & Youth Pastor and is an Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He also serves in the Ohio Army National Guard as a Chaplain.

Matthew is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University with a Bachelors in Youth Ministry (2012) and a Masters of Divinity (2019). In addition to the degrees earned at Olivet, Matthew met his wife while attending the university. Kris and he were married in 2012 and have journeyed with God together ever since, bringing 3 wonderful children into the world, Dean, Oliver, & Quinn.

The whole Kirkpatrick family loves to spend time together, playing games, going for walks, and building new relationships.


April 2023

Brenda and I have had the privilege of serving in ministry for over 45 years. I served as a registered song evangelist for three years while a student at Mount Vernon Nazarene ‘College.’

During my senior year at MVNC we accepted the pastorate at Zanesville First Church of the Nazarene. Brenda and I enjoyed 17 wonderful years serving that congregation. Following our time at First Church I accepted the position of Director of Safety and Security - Purchasing at our old Alma Matter.

While on staff at MVNC we accepted the invitation to serve as interim pastor at Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene. That was 27 years ago - and we’re still here, serving as senior pastor.

I have recently announced my retirement. My last day as pastor will be April 30. We still plan to be involved in ministry - just not sure what or where yet. Please keep us in your prayers as we seek God’s guidance for the future.

Dr. Jim & Brenda Miller

Dr. Jim and Brenda Miller began their ministry with Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene in October, 1995. Dr. Miller holds a Bachelors Degree in Religion and Philosophy from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Masters Degrees in Church Management and Pastoral Counseling from Olivet Nazarene University, and a PhD in Christian Counseling from North Carolina Christian Bible College.

Brenda holds a Bachelor's Degree in Special Education from Ohio University. She retired from Starlight Industries, concluding 27 years employment as an Early Intervention Specialist. In this capacity, Brenda worked with at risk infants and toddlers and their families.

Prior to their pastorate at Zanesville Northside, Dr. Miller was on staff at Mount Vernon Nazarene University as Director of Safety and Security and Motor Pool. He also served as senior pastor of Zanesville First Church of the Nazarene for 17 years.

The Millers have two sons, Ron (Missy) and Mike (Kim); five grandchildren, Colt, Bauner, Dalton, Quinton and Ashley.


From November 1st, 1989 through July 12th, 1995, Rev. Vernon Stimpert was the pastor at Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene.


December 6th, 1985 to July 16th, 1989, Rev. James Leitzman Jr. was the pastor at Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene.


From October 15th, 1985 to November 26th, 1985, Rev. James Kittle was the pastor at Zanesville Northside Church of the Nazarene


In May of 1974, following Rev. Figge’s death, Rev. James and Laura Honaker came to provide pulpit supply. The church experienced some of its greatest financial and numerical growth under Rev. Honaker’s ministry. During that 10 year span the congregation grew to approximately 250 in attendance. This period of ministry also saw the introduction of several new church activities. In 1984 the Honakers left Northside Church of the Nazarene to accept the pastorate of a Nazarene church in Arizona.


Rev. and Mrs. Daniel C. Figge accepted the pastorate of Northside Church of the Nazarene May 1, 1969. He pastored the church until his death on October 5, 1974. Rev. Figge was the passenger in a vehicle driven by Rev. A. Scott Robinson as they were on their way to Pastor’s Retreat in Ripley, West Virginia. They were hit broadside by a drunk driver, and Rev. Figge was killed instantly. Rev. Robinson recovered from his injuries.


On September 12, 1967 Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Stayner assumed the pastorate at Northside Church of the Nazarene. The Stayners were forced to resign in April of 1969 due to Rev. Stayner’s poor health.


In 1959 Rev. and Mrs. Howard Doerly were - called to pastor the church. Under their ministry the church enjoyed considerable growth in attendance, membership and finances. Under his leadership the congregation was able to finance and build a new sanctuary and classrooms. They also purchased additional property to serve as parking space.

Rev. Wesley and Pauline Fredrick followed the Doerlys as the pastoral family. Under their leadership the property immediately behind the church, 766 Wabash Avenue was purchased for further expansion and parking space. The Fredricks served the church for only one year.


With the help of a $2,000.00 loan from the Central Ohio District Home Mission Board and donated labor a preliminary 20 x 40 foot structure was built. This building was to house Sunday school classrooms and the new church sanctuary. Building began in the summer of 1951, and in November of the same year the building was dedicated as the Northside Church of the Nazarene. (It should be noted that Rev. Powel did most of the masonry work for the building.) Later on additions were added to the original building. Following the completion and dedication of the

new church building Rev. Powell built a residence at 2516 Bell Street. That residence was later purchased to serve as the church parsonage.


Linden Avenue Church of the Nazarene continued to grow and prosper. In 1949 the congregation purchased the property at 556 Ball Street in Zanesville. There was a large brick house with a two car garage on this property. The house was used as the church parsonage, and the garage was converted into a sanctuary for this growing congregation.

God’s hand was upon Linden Avenue Church of the Nazarene in those early days, though 1949 though 1951 made way for some difficult times financially. By 1951 there was talk that the bank might foreclose on the church’s loan. In June of 1951 Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Powell accepted the pastorate. By this time there was a small congregation meeting in the garage. Rev. Powell worked with bank officials in regard to repayment of the loan, and soon the little church was solvent again. With the loan nearly paid off the congregation purchased lots on the corner of Bell and Francis Streets.

May 1945

On May 31st, 1945, Rev. Lowell Nighizer was called to serve as the first pastor. He filled that position until October of 1947. Rev. Lloyd Grimm was called to fill the position in October 1947, and pastored the church for a very short time. He resigned in December of 1947. Following Rev. Grimm’s resignation Rev. Artie Coolidge pastored the church until District Assembly time in 1948. At that time Rev. Dale Sidle was called to fill the position.

During Rev. Sidle’s tenure as pastor Chester and Shirley Sidle (pastor’s brother and sister-in-law) were saved. Other converts included Shirley’s brother, Don Grimes and his wife. These two couples were a great asset to the church. Later, Chester and Shirley Sidle entered the ministry. They went on to pastor the Toboso Church of the Nazarene for many years.

Feb 1945

In February of 1945 members of Zanesville First Church of the Nazarene rented a store front building on Linden Avenue for the purpose of holding a revival meeting. Rev. Roddy from First Church was the evangelist. In spite of a heavy snow storm members were encouraged by the good attendance and Spirit on the services. At the conclusion of the revival meeting it was decided that there was enough interest to justify the organization of a second Church of the Nazarene in Zanesville. In March of 1945 the Linden Avenue Church of the Nazarene was organized with charter members; Mr. and Mrs. Hammer C. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Perley Sheppard, Mr. George Bailey, Mrs. Hampton and the two Matthews sisters.